Hello Everyone,
First, I’d like to thank you for supporting Uncle Kracker through the years and our fan site as well. UncleKracker.net has expanded from a fan’s single page tribute to a 4 person admin team, this website where it all began, and we have also added Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. None of this would be possible without Uncle Kracker’s amazing fans!
We are in a very uncertain time due to corona virus. As we take life day by day, we need to escape from the life of quarantines and the stress of not knowing what is to come. For me, that escape has always been music. In the coming weeks, I will be updating the website. There may be times when pages aren’t functioning correctly but please bare with me as I work on the changes.
Again, Thank you for your support. Check back soon for the new and improved UncleKracker.net.
~Donna~ ~Kracker Addict~ ~Owner/Admin~